mikael's gay website

welcome to my homepage

this website is a collection of all the things i love :P. feel free to have a look around - beware your step though, this is one huge construction site!!

i started this website on 3/22/2024 out of love for cluttered old-web homepages and hate for how clean and commercialized everything nowadays is. i wrote most of the html myself with zero knowledge of how it works... don't look too close at my source code

tips & infos

  • none of the pages are finished yet
  • if music doesn't automatically play, double click the play button
  • if the gifs stop moving, clear the cache (ctrl+shift+r)
  • if you read this, write in my guestbooK!!!!
chatbox ("saw movie discussion board")

(what do people write down here??) :>

looks best when viewed on a laptop screen!